A solid website is key to any successful online marketing campaign for every business. You realize that your prospects are searching for you online and want to interact online? Keeping this perspective in mind, we create websites and blogs that are effective online marketing tools-not just pretty brochure sites intended to engage your target markets.
We work closely with our clients to create beautifully crafted web sites that change the way you do things. Every client and project is unique and there is no set price. But, you can count on our flexibility and ability to work with you to get you a website you will be proud of!
Our goal is to deliver a product and service to you that creates value, and we consider our work an investment in the growth and success of your business.
Having said that, at Krishna World Wide, when we take a project to design (or redesign) your website, we want to draw your attention to following important aspect first:
Important Factors that Contribute to Website Cost/Efforts:
Is this a brand new site or a redesign?
Do you have your detailed requirements documented?
Do you need a blog or content management functionality (CMS)?
Do you have graphics already created for the site (or do you need us to do that work for you)?
Do you want the site to be responsive (automatically resize for mobile and tablets)?
Do you need multimedia (video, etc.) on the site?
How much content do you have and how much do you need created?
Do you need any special features like social media sharing enabled website, SEO, ecommerce, or any other such requirements?
Who will host and maintain the website (Especially if it is CMS based site, you will need regular maintenance)?
Who is going to maintain the site after it has been launched?
Features Of Our Website Design Service
A custom design specifc to your needs/requirements.
A fully mobile responsive website (that means your visitors will have a great browsing experience no matter which device they use).
All pages will be fully SEO friendly. That means you don't need to be concerned about On-Page SEO on the pages we design for you.
Blogging feature enabled. You can switch the feature ON or OFF depending on your strategy.
Social media enabled website pages to allow your visitors to interact with your website and share your content on social media.
Custom, SEO optimized images all across your website pages.
Security tightening of your website content through .htaccess rules. We provide this as a complimentary service.
These are just the highlights of the common features we provide to all our customers included in our basic website design service. However, if you have a requirement which isn't listed here, you should discuss that with us and we can provide you a custom solution based on your custom needs.
Please use our "Contact Us" page to get in touch with us and one of our team members will get in touch with you discuss about your requirements and to provide a custom quote.